Team Player

Whether they’re developing renewable energy, designing space travel or finding ways to regulate an erratic heartbeat, engineers use their specialised knowledge to solve problems. They work closely with other teams of professionals to complete projects.


Being open to feedback can help you grow in your career. For example, if you’re a new engineer, it’s important to listen to constructive criticism and take it to heart. It may be hard, but it can make you a better engineer in the long run.

Mistakes happen in any engineering field, and it’s important to be able to learn from them. You can improve your skillset, mindset or knowledge by learning from the mistakes you’ve made.

Be Flexible

Many engineers choose their discipline and specific job based on interests they developed during their teens and early twenties. However, these interests and priorities may change over time. Therefore, it’s important to periodically define where you want your engineering career to go in the medium and long-term.

Be Innovative

Engineers are problem solvers by nature, whether it’s developing a renewable energy source to combat climate change or finding a way to regulate an erratic heartbeat. Creativity is key to success in engineering, so take part in hobbies and clubs that encourage your logical thinking skills. For example, playing an instrument or taking coding classes are great ways to up your creativity.

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